Eder Chiodetto presents the work of the photographers Carolina Krieger, Natasha Ganme and Sheila Oliveira
Mediators: Christian Cravo and Marcelo Reis
Eder Chiodetto (1965, São Paulo) has a master's degree in Communication from ECA / USP, journalist, editor, professor and independent curator, having held more than 120 exhibitions in Brazil and abroad at institutions such as Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris; Shisheido Gallery, Tokyo; Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires; Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo, Caixa Cultural (SP, BSB, RJ), Paço Imperial (RJ), Palácio das Artes (BH), among many others. He worked for thirteen years at Folha de S.Paulo as a photo reporter, editor and photo critic. He is currently curator of the MAM-SP Photography Collectors Club, publisher of the photo editor Fotô Editorial, director of the Ateliê Fotô study center and mentor of the Arte na Fotografia program, on the Arte1 television channel. He is the author of the books “O Lugar do Escritor” (Cosac Naify, 2002), “Geração 00: A Nova Fotografia Brasileira” (Edições Sesc, 2011), “Curatorship in Photography: from research to exhibition” (Ateliê Fotô / Funarte, 2013 ) and "Being a Director: A trip through 30 Brazilian public schools" (Fotô Editorial, 2017), among others. In recent years he has edited books by several Brazilian photographers such as Thomaz Farkas, German Lorca, Cristiano Mascaro, Araquém Alcântara, Luiz Braga, Rosângela Rennó and Eustáquio Neves, among others.