Mário Cravo Neto: Espirítos sem nome

Chat about the curator's cut in the show currently in exhibition at IMS

Mediators: Christian Cravo and Adriana Cravo

Luiz Camillo Osorio (Rio de Janeiro, 1963) - Associate Professor at the Philosophy Department at PUC-Rio, researcher at CNPQ and curator at the PIPA Institute. Between 2009 and 2015 he was Curator of the Museum of Modern Art of the Rio de Janeiro. In 2015 he was curator of the Brazilian pavilion at the Venice Biennale. In 2016 he curated the exhibition “Calder and Brazilian Art” at Itaú Cultural and in 2017 curated the 35th Panorama of Brazilian Art at MAM-SP. Author of the following books: Flavio de Carvalho, Cosac&Naify, SP, 2000; Abraham Palatnik, Cosac&Naify, SP, 2004; Razões da Crítica, Zahar, RJ, 2005, Angelo Venosa, Cosac & Naify, SP, 2008; Olhar à Margem, SESI-SP and Cosac & Naify, SP, 2016. He was an art critic for the newspaper O Globo between 1997 and 2008 and for the curatorial council of MAM-SP between 2006 and 2008. He published essays and reviews in periodicals, magazines and catalogs and made independent curatorships in Brazil and abroad.